Your church is already having a Gospel impact in your community. How can we as an association pour fuel on the fire and see a movement of God as each of our churches collectively take their next step?
Colorado Baptists contribute annually (January 1-December 31) to Colorado Missions Offering (Nicy Murphy) – a special offering specifically designated for missions and ministries in Colorado.
The Colorado Baptist General Convention offers grants to Colorado Baptists churches in order to assist them with evangelistic events, projects, and initiatives with the primary purpose of introducing people into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
It's not easy being a pastor. You have to be strong for your congregation, but it's okay to lean on your friends too.
I hope you'll let me buy you a coffee sometime soon. I'd love to catch up and hear all about your family and what God is doing in your church.
Your church is already having a Gospel impact in your community. How can we as an association pour fuel on the fire and see a movement of God as each of our churches collectively take their next step?
4016 Hwy 24, McComb 39648